Grades 10 - 12
These are resources that can be used in the classroom for students in grades ten to twelve.
Land Based Learning
National Film Board Ocean School Grade 9+ Lessons
Live It Earth - Grease Trails (registration info here)
Storying the Land through Mathematics and Storywork - Dahlia Benedikt (2023)
Exploring the Great Bear Sea - Secondary Environmental Science
Orange Shirt Day
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Red Dress Awareness
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Timeline
Abuse, Women Break the Silence - Youtube video: CBC
Abus de la SQ : des femmes brisent le silence- Youtube video: CBC
Highway of Tears: 360 Video VR | CBC The Current
Workplace Math 11: 3D Unit by Carol Bob
Residential Schools
48 books by Indigenous Writers to Read to Understand Residential Schools
It's Our Time: Residential Schools Unit Plan (gr. 7-10)
Siwal Si'wes Residential School Curriculum: Thalit Sqwelqwel Stories of Truth
The Indian Act
The Secret Life of Canada - The Indian Act Teaching Guide
Treaties – AFN It's Our Time Toolkit
The Ban of the Potlatch
The Bead Timeline
Indigenous Art & Artists
Clam Gardens of the Coastal First Peoples - Pre-Calculus - Sinusoidal Modelling, Allison Higinbotham (SMUS)
Bringing Authentic First Nations Voices into the Math Classroom- article by Allison Higinbotham
Storytelling through Game Design - Nathan Lott