TTOCs can apply to be hired for up to 2 full days of professional learning that occurs on the provincial pro-d day and on district pro-d days. The grant is available to those who are actively working as a TTOC and Part Time teachers who have fulfilled their professional development obligations as per their FTE assignment. To apply submit the Curent TTOC Grant form at least two weeks in advance of the event. Preapproval is necessary.
Previous Events and information
TTOC Coffee Chat by SD72 District Teacher Coordinators
SD72 Teacher Onboarding by SD72 District Teacher Coordinators
BCTF Events for TTOCs
New Teacher Virtual Conference May 14th 2022.
NTC 2022 is a place to connect with teachers across British Columbia and further your own teaching practice. This conference is designed for those in their first five years of teaching, student teachers, TTOCs, and those who are coming back to teaching after moving or being away from the classroom.