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Intermediate Resources

Intermediate learning resources

Digital resources specifically for students in grade 3 to grade 5 to read and listen, listen and watch and to research and inquire.

Click on the icon to take you to the site, click HERE for passwords and access information. 

Audio and eBooks, download the app to any device or use the web app on a computer.  Login with your O365 credentials.

Research and Inquiry

discover.pngWorld Book - more advanced searches, research tools, games, timelines.


World Book - more advanced searches; articles can be read aloud.


Classroom plays and reader's theatre for differentiated instruction.

DECOUVERTE-1.pngWorld Book - en Français

Kiddle - a visual search engine for kids, offering safe kids web, image, and video search.

Kidzsearch- a search engine that includes a variety of other options. 

Wonderopolis - natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery.

Read and Listen

sora-3.pngSORA: audio and eBooks on mobile device or online. Login with your O365 credentials.

Copy%20of%20Website%20icons%20(75%20x%2075%20px)-4.pngJe Lis Je Lis - Online French reading program


Read Aloud Kids Book Time YouTube channel.

Circle Round: podcasts adapted from folktales into rich radio plays for all ages.


Indigenous Storybooks


First Voices: promote language, oral culture from Indigenous communities.


4 Canoes resources


Videos, pictures, books, magazines


K-3 Digital leveled readers

The district circulation/search catalog.  This will automatically log you in using your SD72 O365 login.  

Listen and Watch

Storyline-Online.jpgStoryline Online®: streams videos featuring children’s books read by celebrated actors.


Bibliovideo:  a YouTube channel all about Canadian children’s books

SCHOLASTIC%20LEARNING%20ZONE-1.pngScholastic Learning Zone (Teachers)  Password: HERE

bookflix.jfifBook Flix: Paired Fiction and Nonfiction eBook Library for PreK-3 Kids Password: HERE


TrueFlix: True Books combined with reading supports, videos, images, links.  Password: HERE


Curio:  find and explore educational CBC content.  Log in using your O365 credentials.


NFB: documentaries, movies and interactive resources.  Create Campus Account: HERE

Live It: interactive and LIVE science videos & activities. Authentication Code: HERE

Let's Talk Science: STEM-based resources and activities for students from K-12.

Crash_Course_logo.pngCrash Course: high-quality educational videos available for free.


Crash Course Kids: this bi-weekly show looks at various science concepts.


SciShow Kids: explores all those curious topics that make us ask "why?"

The Kids Should See This - educational videos for curious kids.


Khan Academy Kids:  short video lessons for students.


Ted Ed: Ted Talks for educators, parents, and students.

Website%20icons%20(75%20x%2075%20px)%20(1)-11.pngIdello:  French resources for teachers, students and parents.

Digital Magazines


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